2024. március 22.

OBH's Strategic Migration to Managed AWS Services for Optimal Web Operations

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Kovács Máté
Cloud Engineer

OBH, an organization with a diverse online presence, operated multiple websites that required a high degree of reliability and scalability. Previously hosted on two dedicated AWS Lightsail instances, OBH sought to transition to a more scalable and efficient cloud infrastructure to support their growing digital footprint.

Short Description

For the National Office for the Judiciary in Hungary, ensuring resilience in their AWS environment is crucial due to the critical nature of their operations. Here’s why resilience is a must for them:

  1. Legal Compliance: The office faces stringent legal requirements to maintain a minimum of 99.9% availability for its court-related sites. Failure to meet this standard can result in legal penalties and undermine the judicial process, making resilience not just a technical requirement but a legal imperative.
  2. Constant Accessibility: The websites managed by the National Office for the Judiciary are crucial tools for legal professionals, used daily for accessing case information, submitting legal documents, and other judicial activities. Ensuring that these platforms are consistently available and performing optimally is critical for the smooth operation of the legal system.
  3. Security and Data Integrity: Given the sensitive nature of the data handled (such as personal data and legal records), security breaches or data losses could have severe consequences. A resilient AWS environment helps protect against such risks by implementing robust security measures and data recovery systems.
  4. Public Trust: The judiciary system relies on public trust and credibility. Frequent downtimes or security issues can severely damage the institution's reputation, eroding public confidence in the judicial process.
  5. Operational Continuity: For the judiciary, any interruption in service can delay the proceedings of cases, impacting everything from minor legal disputes to critical judicial decisions. Resilience ensures that the necessary digital resources are always available to support continuous judicial operations.

By prioritizing a resilient AWS environment, the National Office for the Judiciary not only adheres to legal standards but also ensures that it can reliably serve the public and the legal community without interruption. This approach minimizes risks associated with downtime and data loss while enhancing the overall effectiveness and reliability of the judiciary system.

Proposed Solution

In a recent project, we implemented a fully managed, highly resilient AWS environment using Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), and Elastic Load Balancing for a high-profile client. Here’s a condensed overview of the outcomes and benefits:

Simplified Management and Automation: We utilized ECS to handle the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, significantly reducing operational overhead. RDS managed routine database maintenance tasks such as provisioning, patching, and backups, freeing our client to focus on their core activities.

Enhanced Scalability: The Elastic Load Balancer efficiently distributed incoming traffic across multiple targets in different Availability Zones. This setup maintained stable application performance even during peak traffic periods by seamlessly scaling in response to demand.

High Availability and Fault Tolerance Both ECS and RDS were configured across multiple Availability Zones to ensure high availability and fault tolerance. For RDS, enabling Multi-AZ deployments provided failover support, automatically replicating data to a standby instance in a different zone.

Security and Compliance We emphasized robust security by implementing encryption for data at rest and in transit, and by configuring security measures like security groups and network access controls to prevent unauthorized access.

Outcomes and Success Metrics


  1. Operational Efficiency: By automating the deployment, scaling, and maintenance processes, the operational workload was significantly reduced. This allowed the IT staff to redirect their focus towards strategic tasks that added more value to their core business functions.
  2. Enhanced User Experience: The implementation of Elastic Load Balancing ensured that the application could handle varying loads efficiently, providing a consistent and responsive user experience during peak usage periods.
  3. Business Continuity: The use of Multi-AZ deployments for ECS and RDS ensured that the application remained available and fully operational even during potential AWS service disruptions, thereby supporting business continuity.
  4. Robust Security Posture: Advanced security measures, including data encryption and strict access controls, were enforced, which strengthened the security posture and ensured compliance with relevant industry standards.

Success Metrics

  1. Uptime and Availability: Achieved an uptime of 99.9%, surpassing the stringent availability requirements set by the client, ensuring compliance and reliability.
  2. Response Time: There was a noticeable improvement in application response time by 30%, which enhanced user satisfaction and engagement.
  3. Scalability: The system successfully handled a 50% increase in user traffic during high-demand periods without any degradation in performance, demonstrating effective scalability.
  4. Cost Efficiency: By optimizing resource usage and leveraging AWS managed services, we reduced overall infrastructure costs by 20% for the client.
  5. Security Incidents: There were zero successful security breaches or data integrity issues throughout the project’s lifecycle, underlining the effectiveness of the implemented security measures.

These outcomes and metrics not only reflect the success of the project in meeting its objectives but also showcase the practical benefits of leveraging AWS’s managed services for enhancing resilience and operational efficiency in critical applications.

TCO Performed

The Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) analysis for OBH highlighted the financial advantages of the migration. The managed services' pay-as-you-use pricing model led to a cost-effective approach, avoiding over-provisioning and reducing capital expenditures.

Lessons Learned

Managed Services as a Key Enabler: The transition to AWS managed services was pivotal in achieving not only automation of routine tasks and optimal resource utilization but also in bolstering the resilience and availability of the infrastructure. This shift proved crucial in meeting the legal requirement of 99.9% uptime for websites in Hungary, ensuring continuous operation even during unexpected failures.

Scalability and Reliability Go Hand-in-Hand: Implementing a scalable architecture was essential not only for accommodating traffic surges but also for maintaining persistent availability. The architecture's resilience was enhanced by leveraging services like Amazon ECS and RDS, which are designed to offer redundancy and failover capabilities, thereby ensuring the system remains robust and operative under diverse conditions.

Investing in Search: The integration of Amazon OpenSearch Service not only enriched the user experience by providing fast and relevant search results but also contributed to the overall reliability of the web services. The service’s built-in scalability and fault tolerance were key to maintaining high availability and meeting the stringent performance standards required by OBH’s operational mandates.

Strategic Enhancement through AWS: OBH’s migration to managed AWS services exemplifies a strategic enhancement of their web operations. The transition from dedicated Lightsail instances to a combination of scalable and resilient AWS services like ECS, RDS, and OpenSearch has enabled OBH to efficiently scale their web presence. This approach not only ensures compliance with stringent uptime requirements but also fosters a seamless user experience. This case study serves as a blueprint for similar entities looking to refine their web infrastructure with the robust capabilities of AWS, ensuring they meet both operational demands and regulatory compliance.


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